Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to grow radishes?

Radishes are suitable for beds, and containers. They are sow in spring, summer and first part of fall. They are harvested in five to eight weeks which will start in late spring, all of summer and fall and the first part of winter. Plant sixty plants for a nine foot roll and plant twenty-two plants in a container.

Getting started

Radishes will grow in most of the different soils and sties, they will grow in partial shades. Radishes is a vegetable that matures very fast, so you need to sow seeks little at a time and do this often, to always have radishes all the time. When your radish plants are three inches in height, you will need to plant some more radishes.

Sowing Under Cover

If you live in colder areas you can sown under cover in early spring. First, you will need to put compost up to 1/2 inches of the top of the tray press down, water well, and give it time to drain. Put seeds real thin on the surface in small clusters, and then cover the seeds with compost. Radish seeds comes up real quick and you need to plant the plants outside after the frost is gone.

Sowing outsides

Radishes matures real quick when you plant directly into the ground. If you want to plant radishes, this is the great way. Always prepare the soil before you plant the radishes by removing weeds and then rake to a fine tilth. Don't sow radishes where brassicas have been grown lately.

Routine care

The radishes need to be kept well watered. Their seedlings need to be thinned as they grow. They also need to be hoe to get rid of pests and diseases because weeds will have pests on them.

Protecting plants

During the hot and dry weather, radishes are vulnerable to flea beetle damage. They are also at risk from snails and slugs. You will need to cover your radishes with a fine insect netting to deter cabbage root fly.


Your radishes need to be pull up when they reach a harvestable size. If yo leave your radishes to long, especially during the summer, they will become spicy and pithy. You will need to check your radishes daily, and pull the radishes that has the largest roots.

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