Getting started
There are two different types of garlic, one is hardneck and the other one is softneck. the cloves needs to be planted in light, well-drained soil. If your soil is not light, well-drained you will need to add composted bark to your soil.
Planting inside
If you are planting under cover, you will need to do this in early spring. Break the bulb of the garlic into separate cloves, now fill your pots with compost, and put one clove into each pot. Water each pot well, and then allow each to drain. Put all of pots where it is warm and bright; 50 degrees this sufficient. If you let the plants get to hot it will cause sappy growth, which could cause it to be more prone frame or a sheltered spot outside, you can grow your plants there after their shoots reach four inches tall.
Planting outside
You can plant garlic cloves in the ground any time between fall or spring. After you have selected a sunny, sheltered spot, you will need to remove all of the weeds. Then put some high-nitrogen granular fertilizer in your soil, and rake the soil level. Plant the cloves with the tips facing up, but you will need to plant these deeper than you did when you planted them under cover.
Routine care
If your garlic plants are young, they will need to be well watered, so they will develop a strong root system. After the garlic is good, then it is drought-tolerant so they do not need a lot of water because to much water could mess up their storage qualities. You will need to water your garlic when it has been really dry. The crops have to keep well weeded.
Once you see the top third of the foliage turn yellow and begin to die, lift it out, be very careful when you are taking them out, so you do not damage the bulbs.
Here is a video on how to grow garlic:
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