This is a heirloom onion. You can grow a lot of them in a small space. These onions are a spindle-shaped and it has a mild spicy taste which makes them delicious for fresh eating. Each bulb is four inches long and the bulb is narrow bulbs that can be grown in smaller spaces where the globe onions need more space.
This particular onion does have some warm, spicy onion flavor, but without almost no heat. You can slice these onions up for a salad, without any fear of tearing up. They can be made into pickles.
Growing Notes
If you are going to plant them by direct sowing, you will need to plant the seeds in a loose, well-drained, fertile soil one to three inches apart. Now if you want to get a head start on your onions, you can start the onions,you can start on your onions, you can start the onion seeds indoors four to six weeks before the last expected frost date where you live. When your seedlings gets two-three inches tall you will need to give them a dilute solution of kelp or seaweed emulsion and clip off a third of the leaves. Always keep your plants indoors until you are certain that all danger of frost has passed where you live. Next, you will need to start harden your plants and you do this by putting your plants outside during the day and bring them inside at night for five to seven days. If you live in a frost-free climate you can sow your seeds in the fall for a spring harvest.
When you are transplanting your delicate seedlings, you will need to be very gentle. Onions have shallow roots and they need to have a lot of water to pump them back up. You will need to keep all the weeds out of your onions and mulch them real good to conserve water. Feed the onions once a month while the leaves are growing on your onions.
Onions needs a very long growing season, and days to maturity is 95 - 120 days. Onion growth is affected by the amount of sunlight that they receive. This particular type of onion is considered an intermediate day length onion, which means it has to have about 12 to 14 hours of sunlight before it will begin to form bulbs. These are the most adaptable.
How To Harvest
It is ready when most of its leaves have fallen over. You will need to gently dig and lift the bulbs and then you will need to let them cure in a cool, dry spot. Bend the rest of the leaves when they start to fall and this will speed up your harvest time and it will encourage the onions to form protective outer skins.